Archive for the forced sex slaves Category

Slaves Then And Now

Posted in 24/7, abuse, Arianna, bdsm, BDSM Communitys, Bdsm events, Consensual, Depressed, DNA, Dominants, forced sex slaves, Genetics, human trafficking, In Service Slave, Local events, MAST, Master, Roman Slaves, serve, sex, sex slaves, sex trade, slave, submissive, Total Slavery on October 7, 2013 by thekinkyworldofvile

Friday night Arianna and I attended the local monthly Mast. MASTERS AND SLAVES TOGETHER. Mast is nation wide with about twenty five thousand members.

The topic was how we differ from Roman times and now, which I found very interesting. The Slaves in Roman times really had no say. Very few were ever released. If released the age was around thirty, back then that was the average life span.

Slavery had began way before the Roman era , we today are really not sure when slavery started, but at times while in Slavery, it was common for the females slaves to have children, even start family’s while husband and wife were slaves. Some slaves lived from generation to generation.

Okay I am sure you know where I am going with this. Some slaves lived in slavery from generation to generation. Some slaves were highly educated, not all were used just for manual labor. Some were teachers, some were book keepers, and some even ran the house. Some had children to carry on a family name.

Then we got off on the subject of DNA and genetics , how certain traits are passed from generation to generation. So why could not someone be born a submissive or a Slave. After all People are born Gay. So why would this be impossible.

Some know they are different at a very young age, while others are in their late 20’s , 30’s even 40’s and sometimes older. There is something that sets off an event. There is something that clicks in their mind. Then the research starts and they dig and dig for information until the answer is found.

Maybe my thoughts are getting pretty wild here, but it is a fact many who are submissives and slaves have a lot in common, not all mind you I said most. I have blogged about the most common things, number one being depression.

Slaves in the Roman times after sometime adjusted to their lifestyle, many were happy in their roles, Not so sure about the manual labor slaves. I am talking mostly the in house service slaves.

There were those used for sexual pleasure as well, nothing more and nothing less. The slaves for the most were well cared for, some when it came time to be released did not want to leave. Why leave if that is the only life you have known.

Today a small percentage of Master and Slave is what you would call consensual. A large percentage are those sold into the slave trade unwillingly , and are most likely doomed and will never see freedom again, from children to adults.

Those who serve willingly could it be genetics ? Could it be hidden away in ones DNA ?

I think of some pretty wild stuff.



Do You Really Want To Live In Total Servitude / Solitude

Posted in 24/7, abuse, Aftercare, anticipation, Arianna, bdsm, Bdsm events, BDSM Safety, Bond, Change, codependent, communication, Consensual, control, controlling, Discipline, Dominants, emotional, Emotions, events, forced sex slaves, Health, life, Loyal, Master, Masters, molding your slave, morals, munchs, needy, non-consensual, Owned Slave, owning a slave, Patience, relationships, Safe, Safe and Sane, Sane, serve, slave, Stockholm syndrome, submissive, Total Servitude / Solitude, Total Solitude, TPE, training your slave on February 19, 2013 by thekinkyworldofvile

Stockholm syndrome, Patricia Campbell Hearst, who was kidnapped by the Symbionese Liberation Army, but later joined them in their fight. Patty went through a form of Stockholm.

As one would living in a Master and Slave relationship. Total servitude, total solitude. No connection with the outside world. The only contact with anyone would be when your Master allowed, or perhaps when he had company over.

At one point I was seeking a total servitude slave, I searched for about six months, and I came across several slaves who were interested, but after giving it deeper thought, I began to look at both sides of the coin. The good and the Bad. The cost for one could really sky rocket, if the Master and Slave were not married, I am speaking of just healthcare alone. Between 600 and 900 a month alone for a private policy.

The side effects could be more dangerous though I do believe. Total solitude, being trained to fit one mans needs. At his service 24/7 be it sexual or domestic.

Arianna and I watched the movie The Pet last week, besides the ending and what the slaves were being used for Arianna really liked it. I explained that human trafficking was alive and well today. In the movie The Pet, which was a real disappointment to the BDSM community, was not only based on human trafficking, but the selling of organs. The Pets were being conditioned and brought to perfect health. Once achieved they were sold on the open market.

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime stated that there were 2.4 million people around the world who are victims of human trafficking at any given time in 2012.

80 percent of the victims were involved in sexual services.

The UNODC also stated that human trafficking is a $32 Billion market.

Living as a Slave in total solitude, in service to one, would be much like Stockholm syndrome. In a short time, I am speaking a few weeks to a month, I believe you would begin to lose some of your senses. You would begin to lose the ability to think on your own. You would have to be told every move to make, even cooking or how to do laundry.

If you just take the time to sit back and think of how a relationship such as this would work. It may seem fine for a short period, but being in contact with one one, being trained, and fully conditioned to serve. Even after a short time if company did come over, to the slave it would be like no one is even there, your only care would be your master and owner.

The Pet, although it was just a movie, the way it was explained, Any man or woman could be forced to sever as a slave, but after a short time it would become willingly. You begin to lose senses, the ability to care, in some cases even think. Your only purpose or care would be to serve,and serve without question.

I do not want you to think that a lifestyle as such is not real in today’s times, I can almost promise you it is. Just as women being sold into slavery.

This all sounds bad but it gets worse. The Master and Slave are together for lets say a period of five years. The Master becomes ill, and passes away. Where does this leave the slave? How does the slave now function on her own? How does the slave begin to provide for herself?

I have heard through the grapevine , that a Master would choose another master if he should become ill or perhaps be in some kind of accident. The other Master would then step in, and take over. I have only heard of this I have never seen it first hand. I am not sure if I would or could trust someone else enough to take care of my property.

So living in a Master / Slave total servitude / Solitude relationship. In just a period of weeks the slave would go through some major transformations. You would begin to lose your thought process. You would begin to not care, and deeper into the relationship it would be hard for the slave to comprehend the slaves surroundings. Your only purpose in life would be the one who owned. Again this is just my opinion.

Those who have gone through deprivation of some type, for more than several hours would suffer from the same disorders, I do not think the effects would be long term, but after only a couple of hours you begin to lose some of your senses. After being in a deprivation tank longer than a couple of hours, the slave would need some major aftercare. Just to bring back to reality.

Pretty Interesting.

Consensual Slavery.

n BDSM, Master/slave or M/s is a relationship in which one individual (the submissive) gives to another (the dominant) ultimate authority over them. It is a form of dominance and submission. The participants may be of any gender or sexual orientation. The relationship is structured in terms of slavery, because of the association of the term with ownership of the slave and the rights of a master to their body, as property or chattel. The dominant is often called Master if male, or Mistress if female.

The owner/slave relationship is usually entered into on a consensual basis, without the legal force of historical or modern non-consensual slavery, which is forbidden by the laws of most countries.

Outside the BDSM community, the relationship of Master/slave is sometimes regarded as a form of consensual sexual slavery. In BDSM, a slave is a specific type of submissive. The master/slave relationship refers to the relationship between the individuals involved, and does not necessarily require any specific acts, sexual or otherwise, though sexual activity is usually an aspect of the relationship. The sexual aspect could be conventional, and not necessarily BDSM. A slave could also be a masochist or bottom, but this is not always the case.[1]

Some participants regard the relationship as sexual roleplay, while others enter into the relationship on the basis of a highly committed, long-term, submissive lifestyle.

Some practitioners feel the difference between submissive and slave is the degree of submission. However, many who are involved in Master/slave relationships see the difference as being conceptual. For example, some slaves may not have a naturally submissive personality, but choose to surrender their will and volition to another.

Non-Consensual Slavery

Slavery is a system under which people are treated as property to be bought and sold, and are forced to work.[1] Slaves can be held against their will from the time of their capture, purchase or birth, and deprived of the right to leave, to refuse to work, or to demand compensation. Historically, slavery was institutionally recognized by many societies; in more recent times slavery has been outlawed in most societies but continues through the practices of debt bondage, indentured servitude, serfdom, domestic servants kept in captivity, certain adoptions in which children are forced to work as slaves, child soldiers, and forced marriage.[2] There are more slaves in the early 21st century than at any previous time but opponents hope slavery can be eradicated within 30 years.[3]

Slavery predates written records and has existed in many cultures.[4] The number of slaves today remains as high as 12 million[5] to 27 million.[6][7] Most are debt slaves, largely in South Asia, who are under debt bondage incurred by lenders, sometimes even for generations.[8] Human trafficking is primarily used for forcing women and children into sex industries.[9]

In pre-industrial societies, slaves and their labour were economically extremely important. Slaves and serfs made up around three-quarters of the world’s population at the beginning of the 19th century.[10]

In modern mechanised societies, there is less need for sheer massive manpower; Norbert Wiener wrote that “mechanical labor has most of the economic properties of slave labor, though … it does not involve the direct demoralizing effects of human cruelty.

I was speaking with a Dom at a munch recently , and he was telling me he was looking for a Master / Slave consensual and non-consensual relationship. When I asked him to elaborate on the subject in more detail, he told me he could not because he did not know me well enough. As of now he is single, but his target is to have four slaves living at home.

The fact is, while in a Master and Slave enter a relationship, even if not total servitude or solitude. The slave goes through a slight transformation. The slave comes to know she only has one to answer to. Great care must be giving for those who work. The slave needs to know it is okay for a supervisor to give orders. I am speaking from experience. The slaves world only revolves around her owner. The slave becomes dependent upon her owner. Great care must be giving, not to take advantage of what has been giving. The slave becomes codependent, again great care must be giving. The amount of trust giving is probably a unheard of number.

This is why it is very important to allow the slave to interact with others. Like munch’s friends and most importantly family. Family should always come first no matter what. A golden rule never try to come between a slave and her mother, it will not work, no matter how fucked up you think the mother is., again speaking from experience.



Something Interesting. Viking Slaves

Posted in abuse, bdsm, Flogger, Floggers, Forced Prostitution, forced sex slaves, Viking Slaves on November 28, 2012 by thekinkyworldofvile

Slavery has been around well since thousands of years. Farm workers, Construction, House slaves, and yes even sex slaves.

Viking Kings were know to have many female slaves besides his wife. Although vikings did prefer the British female to marry and bare his children, the sex slave industry was really booming at this time, I believe more so than now.

I am a History Chanel buff, many night I go to sleep watching. Last night the show really caught my eyes. On this very topic. A king had passed on, and a slave volunteered to be buried with him, so she would be useful in his next life..

Unlike today, at that time slaves were considered well nonhuman almost, they were beaten, raped, forced into the sex trade, and even killed for a small mistake. Killing a slave was not considered murder, but if a viking killed another mans slave, he only had to pay what the going rate was at that time.

There are also a few erotic books available on kindle you might like. Here is the link, enjoy.


Many of the slaves were chained at night to stop them from escaping and spent most of there days in shackles. They were fed at their owners convenience, not when they were hungry. They were flogged, slapped, and used for sexual gratification, without feelings.



So I suppose without the selling and buying part BDSM has really been around for thousands of years.



Human Trafficking Todays News

Posted in abuse, children, Forced Prostitution, forced sex slaves, Health, human trafficking, sex slaves, sex trade on June 20, 2012 by thekinkyworldofvile

This was today’s front page of yahoo

Up to 27 million people are living in slavery around the world, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton estimated as the US unveiled its annual report into human trafficking.

But the report showed that as governments become more aware of the issue, instigating tough new laws and programs to help victims, progress is being made in wiping out what it called the “scourge of trafficking.”

“The end of legal slavery in the United States and in other countries around the world has not, unfortunately, meant the end of slavery,” said Clinton.

“Today it is estimated as many as 27 million people around the world are victims of modern slavery, what we sometimes call trafficking in persons,” she said at the unveiling of the report at the State Department.

“Those victims of modern slavery are women and men, girls and boys, and their stories remind us of the kind of inhumane treatment we are capable of as human beings,” said Clinton.

“Whatever their background, they are the living, breathing reminders that the work to eradicate slavery remains unfinished.”

As America prepares to mark the 150th anniversary of the proclamation of the emancipation of US slaves, people must reflect on “how much further we have to go to free all these 27 million victims,” Clinton added.

Out of the 185 countries included in the 2012 report, only 33 complied fully with laws in place to end human trafficking, putting them at the top of a four-tier ranking system.

But five countries had moved up from the bottom blacklist known as tier 3, including Myanmar and Venezuela, to be included among the 42 countries now on what is known as a tier 2 watch list.

Myanmar was removed from the blacklist because the government “took a number of unprecedented steps to address forced labor and the conscription of child soldiers; these steps amount to a credible commitment to undertake anti-trafficking reforms over the coming year,” the report said.

Syria however fell onto the blacklist for the first time, in a move which could cut off any US aid and make it harder to get US backing for funds from organizations like the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.

“The government of Syria does not fully comply with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking and is not making significant efforts to do so,” the 2012 Trafficking in Persons report said.

Among the 16 other countries on the blacklist were Algeria, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Libya, North Korea and Saudi Arabia.

Kenya slipped down onto the watch list for the first time in five years, while Nigeria lost its place on tier 1, moving down a notch as the report highlighted that women and children were forced into labor and sex trafficking.

But Clinton hailed the fact that a total of 29 countries had been upgraded to a higher ranking, “which means that their governments are taking the right steps.”

They included Bangladesh, which was bumped up to tier two for making significant efforts to comply with minimum standards, including passing “a comprehensive anti-trafficking law” in December.

Ambassador Luis CdeBaca, director of the office to combat trafficking in persons, said while the number of people officially identified as victims of trafficking and slavery had gone up by 28 percent since last year to 42,291, the numbers of prosecutions in 2012 had also increased by 10 percent to 3,969.

So while countries “still have a little ways to go” there was “the beginnings, I think, of a real trend,” he said.

This year’s report focuses on how to better protect the victims, and urges governments to meet the challenge head-on.

“Traffickers are criminals. Governments — which alone have the power to punish criminals and provide legal recourse to survivors — cannot waver in their efforts to confront modern slavery,” the report says.

But it also argues that human trafficking takes many guises and it is not just about moving people across borders to trap them in prostitution.

“The United States government, and increasingly, the international community, view ‘trafficking in persons’ as the term through which all forms of modern slavery are criminalized,” it says.

“The essence of the trafficking experience is the denial of freedom, including the freedom to choose where and how you live, the freedom to work or choose not to work, the freedom from threats, and the freedom of bodily integrity,” the report says.



Human Trafficking and Sex Slavery

Posted in abuse, children, Forced Prostitution, forced sex slaves, Health, Humiliation, sex slaves, sex trade on June 20, 2012 by thekinkyworldofvile

I am going to get off subject today, please read only if you have a strong stomach… When I have a strong conviction about something I just have to share it..

I have ran across a lot of articles here of late that has to do with this title. I am a big women advocate when it comes to abusing women.

Although I can come off kinda harsh and brutal, everything about my life and relationships, are Safe, Sane and Consensual . I have never abused nor do I condone any type of abuse, be it mental, verbally or physical. Those who are abusive should have there penis’s cut off.

I travel a lot I try to go someplace different every year, Thailand, Korea, Costa Rica. I was thinking this morning while in Costa Rica there are many women from Columbia, who work in night clubs. out of those, I wonder which ones are sold into slavery. It is a known fact that slavery today is running wild, from small children to adults, who are forced to work in servitude and as sex slaves for little or no money at all.

Most are promised jobs once abroad , offered a place to live, make money so they can help there families back home. Only to get to there destination o find a cruel and dark world full of abuse. Forced to take drugs, so there is only one place to turn.

Most are controlled by pimps of the trade, and beaten on a regular basis if they do not perform, most are giving quotas and are expected to meet them daily. Forced to work 7 days a week, with no contact with there families or friends.

What makes things worse are the people or men who take part, who pay for there fun, without a care of who they are or where they came from. They are just a piece of meat they paid for for 30 minutes or the night.

You read all the time about professionals Doctors and Lawyers traveling to Vietnam to have sex with children, very few are caught. but if caught they face charges from the USA.

Image These men travel several times a year, to be with children.

Forced into prostitution after time this is all they know. They lose track of life its self, a dead feeling I am sure, they feel they serve no purpose at all, and there is no longer a reason to live.

Governments around the world spend billions trying to stop the sex trafficking  , human slavery. The truth is though for every trafficker took off the streets 5 more pop up, because the trade is so lucrative. It is hard to believe that women and children are bought and sold like cattle. Many times one goes days without eating, or even a bath, a small room with no heat or running water.

How these people can sleep at night, I truly do not understand. What is more disturbing many are bought and sold right here in the USA , you could have someone living right next door to you, a Hungarian, maybe Russian, could be from right here in the US.

If you ever have a weird feeling do not hesitate to call the authorities, because there may very well be no tomorrow.


Here are a few Graphs I want to show you just how huge this problem is.. From all over the world.


Image I find it unreal and devastating at these numbers. The number of children who are abused, and no one really cares.

So if you travel outside the US, just keep an eye out, always travel in pairs when possible because you never know….

