Archive for October, 2022

Here we go, Gender-reassignment surgery

Posted in Gender-reassignment surgery with tags , , , on October 16, 2022 by thekinkyworldofvile

While I believe everyone should be able to be who they are . At what age should we consider age appropriate when it comes to surgery? Who should be responsible for the surgery? Should the parents be responsible for a 100.000 dollar surgery then maybe 4 to 6 years of college? When speaking of the 100K I am talking about the entire process.

If a male child who is 11 years old decides he now identifies as a female and wants surgery, and the parents do not agree or believe due to religious beliefs, should the courts be allowed to force the parents to penny up?

Please do not take me wrong, I believe everyone should be allowed to be who they are. I fully support the LGBTQ community. Everyone should have the freedom to be who they are.

While I may not agree with everything it is not my place to judge. You as a individual has to be happy, it does not matter what anyone thinks or disagrees with.

However what I am against is knocking on my door and telling me I have to believe a certain way.

In today’s world raising a child is no simple task with everything going on, and the one thing parents look forward to is retirement. We’ve done our time, we have raised our children to the best of our ability, put through school and next comes retirement.

Most insurance companies today will not foot the bill for a 100K surgery so the parents wallet. If you take a loan out you are looking at 1000 a month or taking a second mortgage out on the home. There goes retirement and will most likely work until we’ll who knows.

So if a 11 year old can elect to change their gender, then the child should be allowed to vote, obtain a drivers license as well. The 11 year old is making a adult decision and should be treated as such.

Would I of gone into debt ? Absolutely not.

The Big 60

Posted in BDSM Relationship with tags , , , , , , , , on October 16, 2022 by thekinkyworldofvile

I actually never thought of turning 60, to me it’s a pretty big accomplishment. Thinking about 6 decades and the first president I voted for was Jimmy Carter, I know don’t judge.

October is just around the corner, the 14Th. I took the week off, I suppose just so I could soak in the reality. I can feel I’ve aged but not to the point of not being able to get around.

Arianna is taking me to a Brazilian steakhouse and after I am not sure.

I am blessed my health is good, a little over weight but nothing crazy. Sex at 60 is still good as a matter of fact I think about sex more today. I’m sure it has to do with the testosterone I’m on. Arianna gives me a shot every 14 days and I’m on cialis, yea baby 5mg a day. If the wind blows I get hard.

I’m thinking 6 decades, now that is a long time. I made it and I’m not sure how I did it.

Last year was a mother fucker and I thought I was done, but you know my mindset was, you’ve had a good life just roll with it.

I am blessed with the way life has treated me but the last 10 years have rocked and could not ask for anything better.

Arianna puts up with a lot, I bet you never would of guess? I have been looking for a dick head Anonymous. Hello I am vile and I am a dick head and a jerk. 😅

We have both been making improvements, Arianna has made a 180. However I have made about a 60 degree turn I am going to guess

Arianna is my public relations slave, vile did not mean go fuck yourself, what he meant was have a nice day. I suppose as we age we change? I mean more set in our ways.

Had a good birthday, around family make all the difference.

My Mini