Archive for owning a slave

Why isn’t owning a slave legal

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on December 14, 2021 by thekinkyworldofvile

Believe it or not, there are organizations who visit Washington DC and speak to Congress and senators about our lifestyle. There are organizations who are active in the community who meets with law enforcement about our lifestyle.

Just like in traffic it takes one dumbass to cause a backup. The same goes with a Master and slave.

NCSF is the main organization who rallies for us. I emailed Ms Wright who runs the organization and her reply was, the only time a Master contact them is when he’s in trouble. Has never supported the organization, did not belong to the Fetlife group nothing.

The master beat his slave senseless and was facing jail time. As I stated it takes one dumbass.

Some dude thinks because someone decided to submit to him, in his mind he has a open ticket to do what the fuck he wants. Do not pass go, do not collect 200.00 your going to jail. Then you have no one to call except NCSF, and they are going to say oops.

These are the uneducated when it comes to the lifestyle or those not willing to learn. Heaven forbid you have to put a little work into a relationship.

I believe most people are ashamed to admit they are in the lifestyle. Why do I believe that? You see people marching for different reasons and causes but never for the lifestyle. Afraid of what family may think, or your friends and employer. What did you do last night Bob? Ohh I tied my girl up, fucked her ass with a 12 inch dildo and face fucked her. How bout you Jerry? Yea.

In Europe it is much different, most countries are open minded when it comes to kink.

I am sure you remember when this hit the news.
This is fucking Hot

So you get arrested, your broke and all you have is a dumbass public defender. You know your in trouble, but who do you call? NCSF and they put your name in the database and you are not there. However you expect them to defend you in a court of law, yea Here’s your sign.

Your a Dumbass

In my 25 plus years, I have found the biggest offenders are married men, who are cheating. This is just from my experience in the lifestyle, and for what ever reason even though he’s married, he’s excepted in the community even though the wife does not know.

These are probably just a few reasons as to why it is not legal to own a slave.
