The Collar part IV I think

Posted in BDSM Relationship, BDSM Relationship Negotiations, BDSM Trust, Collar, Collared Slave, collaring ceremony with tags , , on April 17, 2023 by thekinkyworldofvile

The collar is very sacred to me, even more than a wedding ring. Over the years the collar has lost its meaning as well,It no longer has the same meaning or effect it once held.

Often in the past it could take a year or even several to earn a collar. Even today if something is given to you, it does not mean as much as it would if you worked for it.

I am speaking for myself, others may have different thoughts or opinions and that is ok.

I have a check list I follow, and a collar is not even mentioned until the check list is complete. Being able to follow rules , protocols, directions and of course the ability to please , not just in a sexual context but conversation, taking a interest in my hobbies and thoughts. All of these come into play before thinking about a collar.

My initial training is roughly 90 days, during that time, I do give a collar of protection. This could be a chain or a simple piece of leather. It lets others know in the lifestyle she belongs to me.

It could be less time but generally 90 days or so will bring out the true intentions. Is the slave serious? Is the lifestyle for the slave, mentally and emotionally?

Although sex is not the main course, it does play a Hugh part in any relationship. So the first 90 days is pretty intense when it comes to sex. I use on a daily basis, how and when I want. I had friends over and Arianna would be under the table blowing me while we all talked. At times asking her to lube me up, she would ask with lube or my mouth? Good girl. She knew what was next.

As far as training, the same goes for the master, true colors come out in about 90 days. Is he real or is it just some fantasy? If not real he will become bored pretty fast because it’s really a lot of work.

One year after we met, we were married and I collared Arianna during the wedding ceremony. One year it took for me to decide on collaring. Now I would of still married her, why? In today’s time it is nearly impossible to find the one, I mean it took me 45 years. Much of those years were my fault, moving from relationship to relationship. Yup my failures and mine alone. Many want to blame the slave but in reality it’s the masters fault, most of the time.

A potential slave meets a master for the first time, he has already stopped my pet supermarket and picked out a nice pink dog collar. The two don’t even know each other and after 20 minutes of conversation, he slides the dog collar to you. I want to collar you and make you mine. Ok! You don’t even know the dude and he wants to start training by sucking his dick in the parking lot. Do you not know how to suck a dick already? At this point, he has no real investment, well ok the 12.99 he spent at pet supermarket.

You know absolutely nothing about him and he knows less. He does know you have a mouth and pussy he is ready to conquer.

The collar, a sign of ownership, two people are dedicated to each other.

One of the push backs I received with potential slaves was the collar. Most refused to wear 24/7 because they were afraid of people noticing it. Arianna has worn hers for 10 years and one person made the comment he knew what it was, that was the end of the conversation.

Arianna threw me off because there was zero resistance. She did what she was told without question. Here is something, it was after we married and collared her before she fell in love . That is the truth, it took well over a year.

Now I am just a average looking guy and Arianna is smoking hot. How did I do it? I stayed focused learning from my past mistakes. I stayed the path and did not change, if anything I became stricter.

Just don’t let some dude give you a dog collar.

The spread of The Patriarchy

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , on April 23, 2024 by thekinkyworldofvile

There seems to be many definitions of the word Patriarchy.

A few months back I was invited to a KIK group that had to do with Training or so I thought. I’ve met some good people with good intentions but had absolutely nothing to do with training. During any downtime I would jump in to pass the time.

Then I was invited to a Patriarchy group, my thoughts were maybe it would be somewhat more organized. At first things were ok, then a female joined in and here came the change. The worthless whore entered the room, and what surprised me was she welcomed the words.

Now I am 61 years old, and have been in the lifestyle for more than 3 decades. I’ve seen a lot of shit and heard even more.

So I started questioning their actions and it was explained that along with patriarchy there is a mixture of misogyny.

So I began to explain my thoughts on patriarchy, about how the leader of the house provided structure, leadership, and security. The conversation grew deeper and while a few were interested the majority just shrugged me off to include the women.

So my question is, if the women are taking part in the misogyny role, is it considered abuse? Within the group the women are shared with other members and a few even meet up.

I do know they could care less about the lifestyle, well the BDSM part.

I’ve never met men who I considered to be disrespectful but women who welcomed their words and the physical part as well.

A female in the group directed me to a book.

Born With A Cunt

My thoughts on nature, society, law, crime and punishment, politics and in particular women.

My thoughts on nature, society, law, crime and punishment, politics and in particular women. Many of my ideas will be controversial and some people will find them crazy or disgusting. They’re based on personal experience, reading, study and discussion with lots of people

Smashwords has a free download.

The book is about 228 pages and very graphic.

There are 3 reviews and they are not good.

While I do not condone such behavior or actions, I am sure there are people who think the same about the BDSM lifestyle.

The book is not well written but she does acknowledge she is not a professional writer.

The people I interacted with were all living a consensual relationship.

We are all different and we all live a different belief system and for most it works. I really thought maybe it had something to do with low self esteem or maybe mental issues but that did not seem to be the case.

Very interesting

I’ll be back

Coming out of the closet

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , on December 29, 2023 by thekinkyworldofvile

I imagine with some who are living double lives. At home you live as master and slave, but with family and friends you are both the couple with the house and white picket fence.

Over the years many gays have come out and today many are getting married. I applaud those who have the courage to do so. Although LGBTQ community has made progress, there is still much work to be done, My point is many have come forward, because it is important to be who you are.

You live as master and slave, but this is a secret life you both live. Everything is hush hush, you both don’t want anyone to find out. It seems you are afraid of others finding out who you really are.

I would think living a double life might be kinda of stressful at times. Having to keep your kinky furniture hidden because you’re afraid of what people might think.

While Arianna and I do not boast about who we are, we do not hide it. Both sides of our families knows about our way of life.

I remember the cable guy coming over and was in my room, I had a cross on the wall and a spanking bench in the middle of the floor. He was silent and while working he was just looking around and confused. I’m sitting at my desk and he looks at me and I said , my dungeon. Hahahaha. This blank stare came from him and he looked really scared. My mother in law has come to visit and our spanking bench was in the living room.

Here is where the problem is, speaking with the NCSF , National Coalition For Sexual Freedom. Most of the time when they are contacted is when a Dominant has gone to far with play and caused injury. Or going to far and ignoring safe words.

Not knowing how to respond when the police are called, letting them in your home , that is a big No No. instead make sure your girl is with you and explain, the two of you are enjoying adult consensual play. Do not let the police separate the two of you. Do not let them in your home, they cannot enter without a warrant.

NCSF will help as long as you did not get stupid. There are lifestyle lawyers and doctors as well.

If someone can identify as a puppy or pony in public, which is ok because it’s about freedom. Why can’t we identify as master and slave? Afraid of family, your employer, your closest friends finding out, who the fuck cares ?

Another problem is some take it to the extreme, while in a parade marching half nude in public, is that what your lifestyle is about? While I could technically walk Arianna down the sidewalk with a leash, I do not out of respect for other people, and no I am not afraid of offending someone, it’s about respect. You can call me names or say I’m abusing, that does not offend me. The word offensive, offend , offended has no meaning. If you are offended nothing happens, you still wake up the next day. Vile you offended me, um no you allowed me to offend you.

You can identify as anything you want, as long as you are happy, however you do not need my approval. I may not understand and I may not want to, but it’s your life , be happy.

In our community a neighbor was giving some pillows away and Arianna wanted them, we pulled up and frank came out and introduced himself. Hello I am Frank and I’m gay. My response was , well good for you, I mean what do you say? My husband is in the house, ok Coolio. Then he continues, we have rights you know, and I’m like I know you do, but why tell me you’re gay, I already knew ? The whole conversation was awkward, but today we are friends.

I will support you but it does not mean, I am going to march with you waving a flag . It does not matter what side of the fence you are on, do your thing .

Every who follows me knows I am a conservative with some liberal views, I support the 1st amendment, huge supporter of the 2nd amendment and 4th amendment the most, but it does not mean I’m going to go out and march. I have met with state representatives, even gone to a gun range with them, I’ve met with congressmen, senators and our governor, that is my support.

Be who you are just don’t try to push your beliefs on others like a Jehovah witness. Most do not care how you identify.

Anyway this will probably piss a lot of people off.

I hope everyone had a awesome Christmas and I hope you have a kick ass New Year’s


Arianna singing


Posted in Arianna, BDSM Relationship, codependency, codependent with tags , , , , , , , on December 24, 2023 by thekinkyworldofvile

Many consider being Codependent is a bad thing or an illness that requires hours upon hours of counseling.

Why spend several hours a month with someone whom you know absolutely nothing about spilling your guts out? While I’m not a doctor, nor a counselor , over the past 30 years I’ve encountered 100’s who are codependent.

I’m going to say there is nothing wrong with being codependent. There is nothing wrong with depending on someone. There is one exception though, and that would be being with someone who is taking advantage of you. Taking advantage of how needy you are, how dependent you are on them. Taking advantage of your feelings and emotions, then it becomes dangerous.

What does help is having someone who puts you first. A environment where you feel safe and secure. A environment with structure and drama free. Then you add in a few rules and protocols and it’s a match made in heaven.

I do not drink to often, it’s very seldom. I do like Tin cup whiskey, Jameson cold brew from time to time, and draft beer when we go out. I do not go out with the boys leaving Arianna at home, she is always by my side.

If you feel like you are a priority in a relationship, if you feel like you come first and you have free open communication, that co-dependency will slowly start to vanish.

There are selfish Doms out there that will take full advantage of you. They will argue with you, humiliate you just to keep you down.

Meeting and getting to know a new Dom, should be a slow process. The process should take weeks not a few minutes or days. It does take a while for the real yo come out. Most are on their best behavior for about a month. You do not have to submit until you feel comfortable in doing so. Your number one priority is taking care of yourself.

Peace out, much love to all of you.


Life Changes

Posted in slave with tags , , , , , , on December 24, 2023 by thekinkyworldofvile

It has been a while since I’ve posted. However there is life and while I try to post, something comes up. My time with Arianna is valuable, so my off time is dedicated to her.

I have a 4 day weekend and Christmas and the day after is paid.

Those who have been following me know I’ve worked from home for the past 12 years, however life changes . Most of the time we can control the changes and at this time I myself was in control.

While I loved working from home, inflation caught up when it came to sales. Taking all bonuses away losing roughly 24.000 a years plus base pay.

Arianna and I were talking and she encouraged me to apply where she works, which is a cement manufacturer. She works in the lab testing the product through out the process. I believe they are going to move her into a chemist position soon.

I filled out the online application, Arianna mentioned my name and I was able to interview. The interview took place on zoom and when I logged in, there were 8 supervisors and the plant manager.

The interview lasted about a hour and I was hammered with back to back questions. In order to get hired all 8 had to agree to bring me on. The one thing that had me worried was my age and the physical aspect of the job.

When Arianna interviewed it took about 7 days for them to get back to her. Once my interview was complete, 3 minutes later I received a email to come on site and tour the plant operations.

I toured the plant which took roughly a hour, and I completed about 35 flights of stairs. Then came the physical and drug test which I had no issue except my blood pressure was somewhat high but I had started medication a few days before.

Boom I was hired.

I started the week of thanksgiving off that Thursday and Friday with pay. I had to complete a mining course and get certified.

I am the oldest there which feels somewhat awkward and by older 15 years or more. There is a safety meeting every morning because it’s really a dangerous field of work. The second day I walk in and everyone looked shocked.

I am titled as a lubrication technician, which means I take temperatures of motors , bearings, keep oil levels in check and grease where needed.

Christmas Eve and I’m still employed.

The company makes the job worth sticking around, management is just incredible and employees come first. That is why I am still there, now Arianna feels bad because she did not think the job was very physical.

So as head of the house when needed we have to step up. We are leaders and we are depended on to keep things flowing.

My original plan was to retire at 62 and work part time with my previous employer. Now I have to regroup.

A few months back I was going to purchase a bar, yea that is crazy but something I’ve always wanted. I was able to obtain financing but fell through because the owners had not filed taxes in several years and kept no books. I knew going into it they were losing money but in my mind I could make it work. I was going to hire a bartender, a female who was easy to look at , good personality and pay her 20.00 a hour. Yea that’s crazy right? 20.00 a hour plus tips. I myself would have handled the cooking.

In order to increase sales I would have added a package store m, a full liquor store. I have an open line of credit with a financial institution up north and the loan process took less than 2 days before it was approved, however taxes. These people were in their 70’s who the fuck does that ?

Things are good though just a change in plans, ahh one issue is my Mini Cooper, at the end of the day I just fall into the car but getting the fuck out. I still love it , it’s really fun to drive, but I’ve been looking at other options, but at 61 do I really want to buy another car?

As many know 2020 was a bad year, we both had Covid really bad and missed about 13 weeks of work. I had never been so fucking sick in my life. That caused a lot of tension and we were working two jobs, one full time and then 20 hours a week doing a karaoke gig. By the way you can make mad fucking money doing karaoke if you have the personality. Arianna was the main draw though and she flirted a lot which was part of the Job and she can sing. I may post a short video of her singing soon.

Our M’s relationship has never been stronger, I’ve made a few changes and things are back in full swing.

I truly appreciate all of you who stop by.

Everyone have an awesome Christmas and a kick ass new year.


Ahh Arianna’s slave tattoo

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , on October 13, 2023 by thekinkyworldofvile

If you had a million dollars to give away, who would you give it to?

St Jude’s children’s hospital

Break Me

Posted in abuse, anger, Anger Issues, Bad Dominant, bdsm fake dominant master slave abuse with tags , , , , , , , , , on October 13, 2023 by thekinkyworldofvile

BarbieBreaker is looking for a Barbie to break. As my username says i am here to break you. Modify you as i wish and make you the one i want. Msg me if you are interested.

Ruthless Australian Sadist seeks Female (Online).

It takes an intelligent, twisted, experienced mind to break a woman – qualities I absolutely possess.

What I offer is safe, discreet, and online.

Read my profile – if you aren’t scared off, message me directly

looking for whore to break online. looking for a whore i can psychologically break. That i can get deep into her head. And Completely destroy and break her mind

These are just a few adds running and my question is why? I’ve had slaves ask me in the past, will you break me? My question again why ? Well! I want to experience it. No you don’t, trust me.

When looking at fetlife profiles look at the groups these doms belong to, and that will tell you their outlook on women. These are not Doms a sadist in most cases do not consider themselves to be Doms, they are sadist.

Here is a more disturbing add

Females are made to be broken…

by 45 M Sadist

If you’re a female right now and you agree with the above statement then you’re on the right track. A female is nothing more than a set of holes and tits, and I’m going to show you from day one that’s all you are. You don’t deserve love, romance, respect, or dignity. What you do deserve is what I will give you. Beatings, getting fucked, and using you in any other way I feel like. I don’t care about your wants and needs, because it’s your responsibility to take of mine.

I’m not going to treat you nicely, fairly, or in any sort of romantic way. I will however break you mentally and physically and it’ll be a 24 hour thing when you travel with me daily in my semi. If you’re not able to travel with me for some reason or another, you will be made to be on web cam most of the day and host me when I come to town. We can discuss things here on fet, but I expect to be able to move to video chat and phone not long after you’re able to agree to what I’m looking to do to you.

You need to be a biological female, 18-40 years old, and have a slim to average body. You need to understand how I feel about females or at least be on the road to that point. I will push you over the edge with the daily use and abuse of your body. I travel from Wisconsin to California and I expect if you’re not able to relocate and travel with me, to be capable of hosting or meeting me when I’m in your area, and video chat daily. I will control everything you do daily.

If this is something you are interested in, you need to send me your height/weight/bra size in the subject line, and in the body of the message you need to tell me why I should pick you to be my whore. I’ve talked to a few whores here in the past few weeks who were unserious about this, so I would hope the next whore will be the one who’s going to be her full time. I hope you’re able to follow directions, for if you don’t, your message will be deleted unread

In most cases these are men who are looking for a just a justifiable reason to abuse.

If you break something you have to fix it. If done on line and it can be done, the submissive has no one to turn to.

It is no secret today that there is a severe mental health crisis going on today. One you the submissive is not going to freely offer that information. Second the dude who wants to break and humiliate you is probably not going to ask. Do you see the problem?

Stockholm Syndrome

The victim develops positive feelings toward the person holding them captive or abusing them. The victim develops negative feelings toward police, authority figures, or anyone who might be trying to help them get away from their captor. They may even refuse to cooperate against their captor.

Can you get Stockholm syndrome in a relationship?

In the context of relationships, Stockholm Syndrome is often seen in situations where one partner is controlling or manipulative. Over time, the victim may begin to feel that their abuser is the only one who truly understands them, or that their love for the abuser is the only thing that gives their life meaning.

Bipolar disorder, depression are to just name a few. If you are on medication, you can’t call your doctor and say hey it’s not working. Once you begin to freak out guess what ? That dude is gone. Think about how just interacting online, what the issues could or might be?

Again this is the mindset of what I would call an abuser or someone who is just clueless. Can you see the harm something like this could cause?

Clearly these Doms are not looking for a long term relationship. These are men who see submission as a weakness. This gives an open book to abuse and use as they see fit.

Now there are those who are open and even need such treatment. There are those who need to be treated as such. There are those who think they want to be treated as such until the game begins. Most are those with fantasies tire very quickly or get bored and move on to the next victim.

I have had a few slaves approach me and ask me to break them. My question was why? Because I want to know what it feels like. My answer was there is no end game, there are no goals but most important, I have zero need to spend my time when I get nothing out of it.

You do not have to break someone to create what you need. You can create the perfect submissive or slave. However it does take time.

The lifestyle is not about abuse, it is about two people coming together who have similar interests. Two working together to build something strong.

This is just a rant, I do not condone any type of violence or abuse.

Thank you for stopping by.

I may start doing vlogs instead of typing everything.

Much love


The photo is Arianna

The North Carolina Fuck

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , on October 1, 2023 by thekinkyworldofvile

My last post I spoke about Doms taking advantage of those who are submissive. However at times you can find those who are submissive and they did not know.

There use to be a hotel in Daytona Beach called the desert Inn, it is now a Hard Rock restaurant and hotel. The desert inn was the largest hotel in Daytona beach but it was a full blown dump.

I would stop in a pizza place a friend of mine owned, his name was Amed who happened to be married to Miss Egypt, a former Miss Egypt but at any rate she was fucking smoking hot.

Now what happened turned out to be consensual because I spent 4 days with this woman and she wanted to move down to Daytona.

Amed asked me if I would run a pizza over to the desert inn, all the drivers were out and I said sure.

I walked across the street into the lobby which was full of spring breakers and walked up to the desk and informed the clerk I had a pizza for room. He tried to call but no one answered. I waited around and low and behold, I heard the sexiest southern voice id ever heard.

I looked and wow! I said well look at you, and she turned and looked at me baffled. I said you are the prettiest bitch I’ve seen all day and she just stared at me.

Probably 5 ft wearing a tank top , no bra, short jean skirt and these fluffy ankle boots.

I looked and I said out loud, fuck me, Eric you see this bitch?

We started talking and she was still baffled by the way I was talking to her. I said look I gotta deliver this and I’ll be back down.

Walking to the elevator she follows me, I’m like what the fuck. Delivered the pizza and walked back to the elevator going 5 floors down she just stared at me. I walked over and she’s still staring and I put my left hand around her throat just pinning her against the wall and I reach up her skirt, your fucking soaked. She said I ain’t never had a man treat me like this. I said wanna go to your room?

We got to the lobby and she pressed 3 and it was game on.

Walking down the hall, I had her skirt pulled up showing her ass and the hall was crowded with spring breakers. Once in the room I pinned her against the door and pushed her down to her knees. I pulled my dick out and stuck it in her mouth, and once hard, I started pounding her face. I do love a messy wet blow job .

After I finished, I gave her some money and told her to walk across the street and get a pizza . She started to wash her face and I asked her, what the fuck are you doing? She said I’m cleaning up, I said I told you to go get a pizza. She looked at me dumbfounded and I asked is there something you don’t understand?

Once back I told her to shower and coming out of the bathroom she started to get dressed and I stopped her. I instructed her to crawl to the bed. I then instructed her to start blowing me again, once hard I asked if she had any lotion? She said yes and I told her to get and lube my dick up.

I then instructed her to stand up, I got up and I bent her over, and slowly slid it in her ass. After I finished I grabbed her hair, put her on her knees and right in the mouth I went.

I instructed her to shower again and once finished again she crawled to the bed. Out of nowhere she asked if she could move down and move in with me? I said bitch you don’t even know my name, where I work or nothing . She said well it’s a process. I spent 4 days of nothing but face fucking and anal.

What a 4 days it was and back to North Carolina she went.

Please note, the long weekend was consensual, something we must all remember is the words No and Stop. In my mind I was playing cards and I had a royal flush , but if either of those words came up, I would have lost the game.


Posted in Uncategorized on September 2, 2023 by thekinkyworldofvile

The All Mighty Vagina

Posted in bdsm fake dominant master slave abuse with tags , , , , , , on August 16, 2023 by thekinkyworldofvile

I talk about cheaters all the time, however there are females who are just as bad, but I still believe men come in greater numbers. So there are male and female Hoes.

The hunt , the smell like a 10 year old hound. That eyebrow kinda pops up, and that look when you are about to conquer.

These hound dogs see submissive women being weak minded senseless and stupid. The wanna be dom sees a target and the game of manipulation is about to begin. He however knows his target, he already knows anyone with any experience is off limits. Those who have been in the lifestyle will eat him alive.

A few years back, someone I know asked me if I knew of a 18 year old whore. On speaker, Arianna just looked at me with this wow look. I said you are 55 years old, what could you possibly have in common? Just ass man just ass. Well! You are out of luck because I do not know anyone and if I did, I could not help you out.

This is the mindset those who claim to be doms. Many are married and to some subs it does not bother them. However be it a vanilla wife, submissive or slave, it is them who builds the home. They keep things running smoothly to make our life easier.

Everything seems perfect in the beginning, but as time passes red flags start popping up. Some see the flags sooner than others.

Demanding all your passwords to your social media accounts. Keeping you away from friends and family. Isolation because he needs to keep you away from people who know better.

Crotch lookers, hey I’m guilty, the almighty ass and again I am guilty. However there are things that are better left as thoughts.

Sitting in a bar a friend pointed at a woman and said wouldn’t you love to fuck her? I looked for a few and said nope, what I’m thinking about is just face fucking her. I have this picture in my mind of just fucking her makeup up.

Why do men cheat? It could be as simple as getting attention, but in most cases they are not getting something they want. Could be blow jobs, anal sec , getting rough. So instead of speaking with their partner, they buy a ninja costume. There has been a communication breakdown over the years. Just maybe she doesn’t like anal sex or giving head.

The hunt and it just so happens while googling he runs across Daddy , Dom or master as well as submissive topics.

They see you as being weak minded, he sees you as a easy target. Mind you he has zero experience with the exception of what he’s seen in chat rooms, are there still chat rooms? What he has seen on the internet. Google BDSM and click on images, it’s porn with women being abused.

That is how they view our lifestyle, you are simply a target to be used.

Now how do I know all of this ? Because at one time many years ago, I was that guy. Once I learned the art of manipulation it was game on. The bad part is, I can’t even tell you how many women I’ve slept with. Most 90% or more was a few hours to a over night. This was before the internet and all of the social gatherings. It was a challenge because I only chased beautiful women, I chased the ones men were afraid to ask out.

It’s a game and nothing more.

Be careful and safe, most don’t even know their last names, where they work or live. You text and it’s days before you get a one or two word reply. Then once a month you get those few hours at your place, then he has to go.

Training is not about sucking cock, but that is how most starts and you do it because of fear, the fear of losing something you are never going to have .


Are you Bipolar? Suffer from depression? Anxiety?

Posted in 24/7, Acceptance, anti depression medication with tags , , , on August 7, 2023 by thekinkyworldofvile

It seems the above is common within the lifestyle and even more today.

I will start off by saying I am not a medical professional nor am I a psychiatrist. However I am speaking from 30 + years of experience. So I am not giving any type of medical advice. Just my own observation.

Bipolar Mania or Hypomania Symptoms 

Symptoms of a manic or hypomanic episode include:1

That is a lot to take in especially from someone who suffers from Bipolar disorder.

Anxiety, depression and a long list of others can have an effect on a D’s or M’s relationship.

I am a analyst, I love to analyze during a conversation. I am good at reading people. When out like at a restaurant, Arianna will catch me gazing or staring at a couple. What I am doing is trying to figure out what their life may look like. I point out to someone and I tell Arianna, see that guy? He’s abusive, and sure enough at some point you can hear him snap or say something degrading. Or those who have drinking problems, those who are out for themselves. Maybe I have to much time on my hands.

It is possible someone can suffer from Bipolar, depression and anxiety disorders at the same time.

Here is where your master skills come into play.

Arianna sees a doctor and a counselor. I sit in on sessions from time to time, and before Arianna sees her psychiatrist we go over her meds and how she has been doing. We talk about any med adjustments if any.

It does not matter the meds you are on, if your home life is not in order, the medication will not work. If the two of you are constantly arguing or fighting your medication is not going to work.

If you are not getting at least 7 to 8 hours sleep a night, chances are your medication is not working up to its full potential.

When I first met Arianna, I knew within the first 15 minutes of our conversation she was bipolar and suffered from depression. I could see and hear the anxiety in her eyes and voice.

So in my mind I had to determine if that was a road I wanted to travel. Did I want to invest in the time knowing my odds were 50/50?

Kelly was living with me at the time of the first meeting with Arianna. After she left Kelly said you will never pull that in, I just looked at her and grinned. Three days had past and I didn’t hear back from her, so I sent a short text, it was nice to have met you, I hope you find what you are looking for.

My phone started blowing up and in a few hours she was at my house. It was exactly 6 weeks to the date we met she moved in.

It was 3 solid weeks I let Arianna just ramble, she talked and talked and talked. What was I doing ? I was analyzing, taking in massive amounts of information. It was in the first couple of days Arianna told me about being bipolar and having anxiety along with depression. I had her write down every prescription she was taking. I spent hours doing research on every medication she was taking. Why? The side effects if any and what they were intended to do.

At about week three of living with me, she started going to group sessions which I encouraged her to do. One session she started crying and could not stop, she asked repeatedly to call me but did not. Arianna would be gone for nearly 30 days.

So Arianna explained our relationship to her doctor but he did not fully understand, so he wanted to meet with me. As I sat down the doctor seemed to try and make me angry, I was not sure why but I just shrugged it off. He then asked me about our relationship and what it meant, what was the daily routine of a master and slave relationship. He then looks at me and says, she does not want to marry you and he repeated it like 3 times. As I sat there staring at him, I said well that never crossed my mind but did she tell you she proposed to me? He looked at her and she said nothing.

Now we had been talking for over a hour. He excused himself and came back in shortly and looked at me and said I am releasing her today and you can take her home. That is correct, the doctor released Arianna to me.

After we left, I realized she needed a medication change, she was worse than when she first went in. Remember, all of this happened because she got emotional, and the fact she had good insurance.

Now here is the kicker, while Arianna was gone, I got bored one day and started going through her stuff, and what do I find? 20 years worth of journals, yup 20 fucking years of Ariannas life.

Made a pot of coffee, sit down with a pack of smokes, ordered pizza and I was off into Ariannas head. By the way I no longer smoke.

I knew more about Arianna than anyone in her life even her family. I knew what made her tick, why she thought the way she does, habits good and bad. The only thing was left, is to come up with a plan for training.

Finding a new doctor, new medication and we were on a new track.

While negotiating the only need Arianna had was to be micromanaged. Now she’s far from being dumb. She has a degree and had been at the same employer for 17 years and is probably the most intelligent person I had ever met. At times her vocabulary went way over my head , even reading her journals.

Today we make a awesome team and while she is more book smart, I am street smart. I think things out logically and before making any decisions, I look at all the different outcomes. Remember life is based on two things, choices and consequences.

The master should have a questionnaire, that should include any type of illness. A list of all medications and why they are prescribed.

Here is why I’m going over this, if you are not asking all these questions and you hurt someone, guess what ?

Knowing all the answers can not only assist you with training but will help you recognize limits and just how far you can go.

Bipolar there will be a high and these are easy to spot. Arianna is very upbeat more than normal but she wants to buy things, spend money without thinking rationally. Now I don’t always say no to her unless it’s just something she does not need or to costly. Please note, there will be a crash and we can control the landing somewhat.

The home environment , accountability, the correct amount of sleep and last the correct medications and taking on a regular schedule.

I learned a long time ago to never ask what is wrong? Instead I am what are you thinking or what’s on your mind ? If you ask what is wrong ? That puts up a defensive wall and very little chance of getting through.

Any relationship can work it just takes a little work on both sides
